

We protect your personal data in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR requires data controllers such as ourselves to document our lawful basis for processing personal data. It also gives you rights over how your data is processed. This privacy policy documents the data we collect, why and how we process it, and how to exercise your rights.

Data controller

The data controller responsible for this website is WME Commerce Limited t/a Kids Korner T/A , who can be contacted at Unit 2, Cherry Tree House, Leintwardine, Walford, Herefordshire SY7 0JT.

This website contains links to third-party websites, which have their own data controllers and privacy policies. This privacy policy applies only to this website.

Lawful basis for processing

For each method by which we collect personal data, this privacy policy documents our lawful basis for processing the data. Where we rely on your consent to process your data, we explain how you can withdraw your consent and delete your data.

Individual rights

The GDPR gives you rights over how your personal data is processed. You can exercise your rights by contacting us. In some cases you can also exercise your rights through automated systems, as described at the relevant points in this privacy policy.


The GDPR requires us to implement appropriate technical measures to protect data. We verify the identity of any individual who requests access to data before granting access. We use Transport Layer Security (TLS, also known as SSL) to encrypt any data you supply to us through our website. Additional technical measures are described at the relevant points in this privacy policy.


In addition to any sharing of data described elsewhere in this privacy policy, we may disclose data for legal reasons. If we suspect criminal activity we may disclose data relating to those involved or affected to the appropriate authorities. We may also be obliged to disclose data if we receive a request from an appropriate authority.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may occasionally make changes to this privacy policy. Following any changes, the date at the top of this privacy policy will be updated. If any change allows for wider access to data, such changes will only apply to data collected after the date of the updated privacy policy.


Cookies are small pieces of text that are stored by your browser. Each cookie has a name and is associated with a particular site. When your browser sends a request to a site (for example, to download a page, image, or video), the computer that responds (known as a server) may tell your browser to set one or more cookies. When your browser makes further requests to the same site it sends the cookies back to the server. This allows the server to remember you as you browse the site, and provide features such as shopping baskets or password-protected areas. For more information on the cookies we use, see our cookie policy.

Data collected by our shop


When you place an order you can either create a guest account or register for a full account. A registered account allows you to log in to your account in future and view your order history, or place further orders without needing to enter your details again. You can also choose to create a registered account without placing an order. When you register for an account we collect your name, e-mail address, telephone number, and company.

We send Mailchimp your name and e-mail address to allow us to send you e-mails concerning your order. For more information on how Mailchimp handles the data it collects, see Mailchimp’s privacy policy.

Lawful basis for processing: Consent given by data subject
Why? You have supplied us with this data in order to create an account


When you place an order we collect your name, e-mail address, telephone number, company, delivery and billing addresses, and any comments you choose to leave.

Lawful basis for processing: Performance of a contract
Why? To enable us to enter into a contract with you and fulfil our obligations under it

Lawful basis for processing: Compliance with a legal obligation
Why? To maintain a record of financial transactions for taxation purposes


When you submit a product review through a ‘Write a review’ form on our site, we collect your name and product review. We may choose to publish your name and review on our site.

If you close your account we will delete any reviews you have submitted.

Lawful basis for processing: Consent given by data subject
Why? You have given your consent by ticking the box on the ‘Write a review’ form

Payment through PayPal

When you make a payment through PayPal, we send PayPal your name, billing address, and e-mail address. After you enter your card details, PayPal attempts to take payment and tells us whether the payment was successful. For more information on how PayPal handles the data it collects, see PayPal’s privacy policy.

Lawful basis for processing: Performance of a contract
Why? To enable you to pay for your purchase

Payment through Stripe

When you make a payment through Stripe, we send Stripe your name, billing address, and e-mail address. After you enter your card details, Stripe attempts to take payment and tells us whether the payment was successful. For more information on how Stripe handles the data it collects, see Stripe’s privacy policy.

Lawful basis for processing: Performance of a contract
Why? To enable you to pay for your purchase

Data collected by third parties on our behalf

Our site is hosted by Limited (registered company number 06139437 in England and Wales). logs all requests in order to determine the causes of reported faults and to detect and block suspicious traffic. The log records the time of the request, your IP address, the requested resource, the referring site (if specified by your browser), and your browser’s user agent string (which will usually include the name and version of your browser and operating system). Log files are deleted after ninety days.

Lawful basis for processing: Compliance with a legal obligation
Why? To comply with the GDPR obligation to implement appropriate technical measures to protect data


Our site is served through Cloudflare. Cloudflare helps our site load faster by storing copies of our content in data centres around the world, and defends our site from attacks by logging requests to detect and block suspicious traffic. For more information on how Cloudflare handles the data it collects, see Cloudflare’s privacy policy.

Lawful basis for processing: Compliance with a legal obligation
Why? To comply with the GDPR obligation to implement appropriate technical measures to protect data

Facebook pixel

We use Facebook pixel to track visitor interaction with our site in order to measure the success of our advertising and target it more effectively. Facebook collects details of the adverts with which you interact, pages you view and the time you viewed them, the features of your browser, and your IP address. For more information on how Facebook handles the data it collects, see Facebook’s privacy policy.

To opt out of Facebook pixel tracking on our site, see the Facebook pixel section of our cookie policy. To opt out of Facebook pixel tracking on all sites, see Facebook’s Ad Preferences.

Lawful basis for processing: Pursuance of our legitimate interests
Why? To allow us to analyse the effectiveness of our advertising

Google Ads

We use Google Ads to track visitor interaction with our site in order to measure the success of our advertising and target it more effectively. Google collects details of the adverts with which you interact, pages you view and the time you viewed them, the features of your browser, and your IP address. For more information on how Google handles the data it collects, see Google’s privacy policy.

To opt out of Google Ads tracking on our site, see the Google Ads section of our cookie policy. To opt out of Google Ads tracking on all sites, see Google’s Ad Settings.

Lawful basis for processing: Pursuance of our legitimate interests
Why? To allow us to analyse the effectiveness of our advertising

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track visitor interaction with our site in order to produce statistical reports. Google collects details of the pages you view and the time you viewed them, the features of your browser, and your IP address. For more information on how Google handles the data it collects, see Google’s privacy policy.

To opt out of Google Analytics tracking on our site, see the Google Analytics section of our cookie policy. To opt out of Google Analytics tracking on all sites, use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Lawful basis for processing: Pursuance of our legitimate interests
Why? To allow us to analyse how visitors interaction with our site in order to improve our site and our services

Tidio chat widget

When you view a page containing the Tidio chat widget, your browser connects to Tidio. When you chat with us your messages are sent to Tidio and then shared with us, and our responses are sent to Tidio and then shared with you. For more information on how Tidio handles the data it collects, see Tidio’s privacy policy.

Lawful basis for processing: Consent given by data subject
Why? You have sent us a message in the expectation of receiving a reply

Other data collected by third parties

Mapbox maps

When you view a page containing Mapbox maps, your browser connects to Mapbox. For more information on how Mapbox handles the data it collects, see Mapbox’s privacy policy.

YouTube video player

When you view a page containing the YouTube video player, your browser connects to YouTube. For more information on how Google (the operator of YouTube) handles the data it collects, see Google’s privacy policy.



Welkom bij, een e-commerce winkel gevestigd in Belgie die alleen online verkoopt. Wij hechten veel waarde aan uw privacy en zetten ons in om uw persoonlijke gegevens te beschermen. Deze privacyverklaring beschrijft hoe wij uw gegevens verzamelen, gebruiken en beschermen wanneer u onze website bezoekt en onze diensten gebruikt.

1. Verzamelde Gegevens

Wij kunnen de volgende gegevens van u verzamelen:

  • Persoonlijke identificatiegegevens: zoals naam, adres, e-mailadres, telefoonnummer.
  • Betalingsinformatie: zoals creditcardgegevens en bankrekeningnummer.
  • Bestelinformatie: zoals gekochte producten en bestelhistorie.
  • Technische gegevens: zoals IP-adres, browsertype, en besturingssysteem.
  • Gebruik- en navigatiegegevens: zoals uw activiteiten op onze website.

2. Gebruik van Gegevens

Wij gebruiken de verzamelde gegevens voor de volgende doeleinden:

  • Het verwerken en voltooien van uw bestellingen.
  • Het verbeteren van onze klantenservice.
  • Het personaliseren van uw winkelervaring.
  • Het informeren over updates, aanbiedingen en promoties (indien u hiervoor toestemming heeft gegeven).
  • Het analyseren van website gebruik om onze diensten te verbeteren.

3. Delen van Gegevens

Wij delen uw gegevens niet met derden, behalve in de volgende gevallen:

  • Met betalingsdienstaanbieders voor het verwerken van uw betalingen.
  • Met verzendbedrijven om uw bestellingen te leveren.
  • Indien wettelijk vereist door overheidsinstanties of om onze wettelijke rechten te beschermen.

4. Gegevensbeveiliging

Wij nemen passende technische en organisatorische maatregelen om uw gegevens te beschermen tegen verlies, diefstal, misbruik en onbevoegde toegang. Deze maatregelen omvatten gegevensversleuteling en beveiligde servers.

5. Uw Rechten

U heeft het recht om:

  • Inzage te vragen in de persoonlijke gegevens die wij over u bewaren.
  • Correctie te verzoeken van onjuiste of onvolledige gegevens.
  • Verwijdering van uw gegevens te vragen (onder bepaalde omstandigheden).
  • Bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van uw gegevens.
  • Uw toestemming voor gegevensverwerking in te trekken.

Om een van deze rechten uit te oefenen, kunt u contact met ons opnemen via de contactgegevens hieronder.

6. Cookies

Onze website maakt gebruik van cookies om uw online ervaring te verbeteren. Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die op uw apparaat worden opgeslagen. U kunt cookies beheren of verwijderen via uw browserinstellingen.

7. Wijzigingen in de Privacyverklaring

Wij behouden ons het recht voor om deze privacyverklaring te wijzigen. Eventuele wijzigingen worden op deze pagina geplaatst en de ingangsdatum bovenaan dit document wordt bijgewerkt. Wij raden u aan om regelmatig onze privacyverklaring te raadplegen.

8. Contactgegevens

Als u vragen heeft over deze privacyverklaring of uw gegevens, kunt u contact met ons opnemen via:

WMEcommerce LTD
Unit 2, Cherry Tree House, Walford, Craven Arms, SY7 0JT United Kingdom

Bedankt voor uw vertrouwen in